Submit your indie film for review by our critics
Our Film Reviews are impartial. We will not alter or remove reviews. Your film will be reviewed by a highly experienced film industry critic. Due to the large number of review requests we receive it may take some time for a review to be finalized. We always aim to publish
reviews in the shortest turnaround time possible, while giving your film the attention it deserves and maintaining the highest quality standards.
1. Pick the kind of submission you need for your film from the choices below (based upon length of your film and type of review)
2. Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
3. You will be emailed back with a secure payment link to finalize your submission.
4. You will be notified when your review is ready and published
5. Any questions? You can use our Contact page to send us a message or simply email us at and we will respond asap!
Recommended Film Review (VIP package)
Our website is visited by many industry professionals and being featured on our home page will give your film extremely valuable, high profile industry exposure.
Recommended Film Review
Short Films, TV Pilots
(up to 45 mins run time)
Your review is featured on our home page for 2 weeks*
1 week fast-track review service
A minimum 200 word review
Up to 6 images and
1 video clip (trailer or scene)
Recommended Film Review Short Film and TV Pilots - $119
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
*After the 2-week period the review will be moved to our regular 'reviews' page.
If you wish for your review to be featured on our home page after the initial 2-week period, please purchase another recommended review for your film and your review will be put back on our homepage for another 2 weeks as soon as possible.
Recommended Film Review
Feature Films
(over 45 mins run time)
Your review is featured on our home page for 2 weeks*
1 week fast-track review service
A minimum 300 word review
Up to 6 images and
1 video clip (trailer or scene)
Recommended Film Review Feature Film - $147
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
*After the 2-week period the review will be moved to our regular 'reviews' page.
If you wish for your review to be featured on our home page after the initial 2-week period, please purchase another recommended review for your film and your review will be put back on our homepage for another 2 weeks as soon as possible.
Standard Film Review
Short Films
(up to 45 mins run time)
A minimum 200 word review
Up to 6 images
1 video clip (trailer or scene)
Standard Film Review Short Films - $79
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
Fast-Track Standard Film Review Short Films (within 7 days) $99
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
Standard Film Review
Feature Films
(over 50 mins run time)
A minimum 200 word review
Up to 6 images
1 video clip (trailer or scene)
Standard Film Review Feature Film - $99
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':
Fast-Track Standard Film Review Feature Films (within 7 days) $119
Send the images, trailer link (if any) and video link (with password, if required), the director's bio and any additional information to our email below- do NOT forget to mention the type of review service you wish to request (for example 'Recommended Film Review Feature Films':