A film directed by the independent Polish filmmaker Lukasz Rog, No Stars Anymore is nothing if not a compelling cinematic narration of impending cataclysmic doom.
The end-of-time film is filled with catastrophes and turmoil of prodigious proportions, coupled with vivid images of riots, violence and accidents that continue to haunt the protagonist, Jemma (played by Magdalena Kozikowska-Pienko), causing her to lose sleep and peace of mind as she struggles to make sense of her ominous premonitions.
The film is set in the Polish city of Rzeszow. As a member of the SWAT team, Jemma joins her colleagues in a security operation to search through a lone warehouse after a tipoff, which turns out to be a false alarm. The SWAT team is forced to withdraw.
However, suddenly the officers start noticing strange occurrences as they proceed to the next phases of their operation. Aircraft forebodingly fly overhead as Jemma and her team experiences strange deafening noises while coming across eerie talismans and people kneeling on the ground with their heads and chests upturned skywards in very unusual postures.
For a first time filmmaker, Lukasz Rog does a commendably great job at gradually cultivating suspense through the course of the film in a manner that keeps the viewer wholly immersed and transfixed. He deftly employs intelligent cinematic techniques to create high-quality visuals which clearly relay the events going on in the film. Coupled with the foreboding soundtrack, this creates an anxiety-inducing and pensive atmosphere that engages the viewer’s senses and emotions very powerfully.
No Stars Anymore is a concise Sci-fi film, which draws viewers into an introspective trance while they closely follow the strange events that flash the protagonists' minds as they, too, try to decipher and reimagine what the beginning of the end for them would look like.
A stellar effort, especially considering No Stars Anymore is a 'one man' production, single-handedly written, produced and also edited by newcomer director Lukasz Rog.